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Hello! There hasn't been a lot of updates for some time due to a busy schedule, but I just wanted to let everybody know that a new version is coming, and it is in testing right now. The new version will, besides fixing some bugs and updating some dependecies, also introduce a completely new feature. That feature is the KIT, or composite item, which it is also called. A kit is just a collection of gear which are used together, and therfore can be treated as a unit. This will hopefully make things a little easier for people wanting to just click on their stove kit, and it wil automatically pack the stove, gas, storage bag, a handle etc. So I hope you will all enjoy this feature. Look for an update within the next few weeks, as it will start to roll out slowly.

A new version of Gearly has just been released. It will slowly roll out to all users within a weeks time.

- Spinners are now searchable! :) 
- Added a confirmation dialog when exporting data, so it is clear where the backup file ends up.

Gearly version 1.2 is starting to roll out. The highlights are:
  • When importing backups, they can now be selected from a list.

  • It is now possible to choose a default view to launch when opening the app (welcome, packing list, my lists and my gear)

  • Added possibility to generetate some basic data to get started.

After a long and sporadic development period, Gearly 1.1 is slowly starting to roll out to users. It will continue to do so in the coming weeks if everything seems to be working fine.
Here are the highlights from the 1.1 release:

- Swedish GUI
- Swedish manual (available from website)
- Ounce (oz) can be used instead of grams to express
weight in the app
- New backup and restore location (backups are now
put in the Documents\Gearly_backups folder. NOTE:
Old backups should be moved to this new folder to
be able to be imported)
- Updated payment framework
- Support for making app crashes easier to analyze
and fix
- Customizations no longer need to have a capital
- Added ability to zoom gear images
- Bug fixes
- Performace fixes

I noticed a few days ago that Gearly had reached over a thousand downloads on the play store. That is great news, and it is already part of the way to the next thousand mark. I checked again this morning and there are currently 1230 downloads, and I am very happy about that! Thanks to everybody that keeps supporting Gearly!