What is Gearly?

Gearly is an app designed to make it easier for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy their adventures by enabling them to have better control and overview of their equipment

What are the main features of Gearly?

Gearly aims to to do the following four things:
  • Keep a catalog of your outdoor equipment
  • Create reusable packing lists for your different activities
  • Help to make sure all of your gear is packed when you head out on an adventure
  • Make it easier to keep track of the weight you are carrying on your back

Is Gearly free?

Yes, Gearly is free. It is ad-supported, but the ads can be removed by a small in-app purchase.

Can I use Gearly on a tablet?

Yes, you can use it on any android device. However, it has not been tested on all kind of form factors, so there is no guarantee it will look as good as on a phone.

Is there an iOS version?

Unfortunately no, but it is in the backlog. If the popularity grows, there will certainly be an iOS version

Can I backup my data?

Yes, all data can be exported to an XML file. The file can be used as a backup as it saves all of the data on the device (including all users). The file can then be imported using the import feature. Please note that an import will wipe ALL existing data on the device and replace it with the backup file. There is no going back.

Does Gearly support more than one user account?

Yes, it is possible to create multiple users on a single installation so that multiple users can use the same device but separate their data.

Does Gearly have a privacy policy?

Yes, you can access it in the app from the settings menu. In short, Gearly respect your privacy. It stores all the app generated data locally on the phone. In it's free form the app does use Google ads, so for more information about how these Google services work and collects data, please read the privacy policy here: http://privacypolicy.gearly.net/gearly_privacy_policy.html

What are some of the most important features of Gearly?

  • Global search of lists and equipment
  • Weight chart to get an overview what is heaviest in your pack 
  • Ability to create pack a list, and mark packed items as packed, to make sure nothing is forgotten
  • Create new equipment based of existing templates 
  • Sort equipment on brand, creation date, storage locations and more
  • Sort lists on activity type, season and creation date
  • Add user defined tags to lists and equipment for easier search
  • Add an image to your equipment items
  • Create custom activities, types of equipment, brands and more.
  • Separate packing status for equipment carried in your pack and on your body
  • Export/import database file to xml for sharing and backup

What are some possible future features?

  • Server based solution, which enables users to share their equipment data. No need to add data about an item if someone has already created it
  • Shared pack lists. You will be able to see when a friend has packed a shared item, so you are sure it is not forgotten
  • Gearly on the web. Access Gearly in your web browser.
  • Share lists to help others know what to pack for different activities
  • Sync between devices

How do I delete my account?

Gearly only creates local accounts, i.e. the data is only stored on your phone and never transmitted over the internet. If you wish to delete your account, just uninstall the app, and the account and all related information will be removed.